Health Screening

Important Conditions Relating To Health

Please note certain medical conditions will incur an additional premium.

Tel: +44 1733 224 852

You must comply with the following conditions to have full protection of your policy. If you do not comply we may at our option cancel the policy or refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount of any claim payment.

At the time of taking out this policy:
Do you have or have you had any medical condition(s) for which you are taking or have taken prescribed medication or are waiting to receive, or have received treatment (including surgery, tests, or investigations) within the last 2 years?

If No (including if you have had no Medical Conditions)
Please read the conditions below to see if they apply to you (if none of them apply then your medical condition(s) will be covered).

If Yes
It is a condition of this policy that you will not be covered under the below policy sections for any claim arising directly or indirectly from this medical condition(s) unless you/they contact Medical Screening on +44 1733 224 852 and they agree in writing to cover your medical condition(s).

  • Section A – Cancellation or Curtailment Charges,
  • Section B – Emergency Medical and Other Expenses,
  • Section C – Hospital Benefit, and
  • Section D – Personal Accident and
  • Section W3 – Green Fees
If you have a medical condition and it is one of those shown in the Automatically Accepted Minor Conditions List below then this will be covered under the policy without the need to contact Medical Screening.

In Either Circumstances:
It is a condition of this policy that you will not be covered under below sections:

  • Section A – Cancellation or Curtailment Charges,
  • Section B – Emergency Medical and Other Expenses,
  • Section C – Hospital Benefit, and
  • Section D – Personal Accident or
  • Section W3 - Green Fees for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:

    • A. At the time of taking out this policy:

      • Any medical condition for which you or a close relative or a travelling companion are aware of but have not had a diagnosis.
      • Any Medical condition for which you or a close relative or a travelling companion have received a terminal prognosis.
      • Any medical condition for which you or a close relative or a travelling companion are on a waiting list for or have the knowledge of the need for surgery, treatment or investigation at a hospital, clinic or nursing home.

    • B. At any time

      • Any medical condition you have in respect of which a Medical Practitioner has advised you not to travel or would have done so had you sought his/her advice but despite this you still travel.
      • Any surgery, treatment or investigations for which you intend to travel outside of Ireland to receive (including any expenses incurred due to the discovery of other medical conditions during and/or complications arising from these procedures).
      • Any medical condition for which you are not taking the recommended treatment or prescribed medication as directed by a Medical Practitioner.
      • Your travel against any health requirements stipulated by the carrier, their handling agents or any other public transport provider.

You should also refer to the general exclusions in your Policy Wording.

Medical conditions which do not require screening (covered as standard provided no more than 5 of these conditions are suffered and that you can meet the warranty above):

click below for more information:

  • A

In addition to any medical condition on above ‘Automatically Accepted Minor Conditions’ list, you may be automatically accepted for cover, provided you do NOT have more than ONE of the following medical conditions and you must NOT have ANY other pre-existing medical condition.

Arthritis (Juvenile, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid or Psoriatic Arthritis, Reiter's Syndrome, Rheumatism):

  • There must have been NO hospital admissions within the last 12 months
  • Must NOT affect the back more than any other area of the body
  • No more than 2 medications
  • No mobility aids (other than walking stick or frame)
  • There must have been NO dislocations of any joint replacements
  • Must NOT be awaiting surgery
  • Must have NO lung problems/respiratory disorders

Asthma (Wheezing):

  • There must have been NO hospital admissions EVER
  • Must have been diagnosed prior to age 50
  • Must be controlled with no more than 2 medications (NO nebuliser, NO home oxygen)
  • Must have been a non-smoker for at least 12 months
  • Must always be able to walk 200 yards on the flat without becoming short of breath

Diabetes Mellitus (Sugar Diabetes):

  • Type 2 (Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) only
  • Controlled by diet alone or by no more than 1 medication (no Insulin)
  • There must have been NO hospital admissions or diabetic complications EVER
  • Must have been a non-smoker for at least 12 months

Hypercholesterolaemia (High/Raised Cholesterol):

  • No more than 1 medication
  • Must NOT be the inherited (genetic) form
  • Must have been a non-smoker for at least 12 months

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure, White Coat Syndrome):

  • No more than 2 medications
  • There must have been no change in treatment within the last 6 months
  • Must have been a non-smoker for at least 12 months

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure):

  • Must NOT be associated with any underlying condition

Osteoporosis (Osteopaenia, Fragile Bones):

  • There must have been no broken bones within the last 5 years
  • There must have been NO vertebral (backbone) fractures

Cover relating to the health of non-travellers

This insurance policy excludes cover for any claims arising directly or indirectly from a pre-existing medical condition (unless shown in the Automatically Accepted Minor Conditions list) of any person on whom travel depends unless the person's doctor can state that, at the date of you buying this insurance policy or booking your trip (whichever is later) he/she would have seen no substantial likelihood of the patient's condition deteriorating to such a degree to cause a necessary cancellation or curtailment claim. If the doctor will not confirm this, any claim arising from a pre-existing medical condition will be excluded.

All claims arising from a terminal prognosis, any set of symptoms where a diagnosis has not been made and any medical condition for which a non-traveller is on a waiting list for or has knowledge of the need for surgery, treatment or investigation at a hospital, clinic or nursing home at the time of you buying this insurance policy or booking your trip (whichever is later) are automatically excluded.